
3rd Forum on the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate ChangE

CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX (CLIMAAX)

Horizon Europe project

CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX (CLIMAAX) is a 4-year Horizon Europe project that will provide financial, analytical, and practical support to improve regional climate and emergency risk management plans. CLIMAAX is designed to contribute to the harmonization and consolidation of the practice of climate risk assessment, leaving a legacy for upcoming European initiatives. The project is lead by Deltares, it started January 2023 and runs until December 2026.

CLIMAAX builds upon existing risk assessment frameworks, methods and tools, and promotes the use of datasets and service platforms for local and regional scale deployment. CLIMAAX is designed to significantly contribute to the harmonization and consolidation of the practice of climate risk assessment (CRA), leaving a substantial legacy for upcoming European initiatives. The project will deliver:

  • A standardized CRA framework CRA built on current community experience and best-practices
  • A Toolbox with data, models and utilities to provide access to European and global open data archives integrated with local data and procedures
  • Financial support for at least 50 regions to execute a context specific CRA
  • CRA guidance material and online helpdesk for other European regions
  • A proposal to upscale results into the future operationalization of the regional CRA support function
Social events:

Wed, 22 May 2024


Thu, 23 May 2024

BEL Brussels
Avenue du Port 86C
