
3rd Forum on the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate ChangE

Belgian Presidency

Belgium holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 January to 30 June 2024.  The Belgian presidency underscores the importance of a decisive and holistic action to the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and to leaving no one behind. This commitment is one of the Belgian presidency 6 priorities.

The Belgian Presidency’s primarily objective is to conclude essential legislative files of the European Green Deal. A second objective is to stimulate the debate on the European green agenda beyond 2024. In pursuit of this, it explores suitable approaches to address the climate change, circular economy, biodiversity and pollution nexus beyond 2024. In order to reduce vulnerabilities to climate change, the Presidency strives to enhance the EU’s circular economy and adaptive and preparedness capacities. Particular attention is paid to sustainable water management as well as the critical role of nature, ecosystems and nature-based solutions -including urban ones- in delivering benefits for climate adaptation. Finally, the Presidency aims at building a just transition, taking into account the needs of citizens and workers most impacted by the transition.

The Belgian presidency stand will showcase actions at regional levels -Brussels-Capital Region, Flanders and Wallonia- along with initiatives at the federal level, demonstrating Belgium’s commitment to implement effective climate adaptation measures nationwide.

Social events:

Wed, 22 May 2024


Thu, 23 May 2024

BEL Brussels
Avenue du Port 86C
